Sunday, February 7, 2021

“Imperial Federation in a Nutshell”

“Imperial Federation in a Nutshell” | Phil May

Livingston Hopkins, “Imperial Federation in a Nutshell”, The Bulletin, Vol. 7 No. 383 (4 Jun 1887, p.3)
“Imperial Federation in a Nutshell”
Australia (to John Bull): “If you and I Federate on the basis of a differential tariff in your favour, I presume it will mean cheap goods for me? The labour you employ is tolerably cheap, isn’t it?’
John Bull: “Oh, yes, pretty cheap. I pay, say, a pound a week all round.”
Yong Ho: “One pong every week! Why, me welly much cheaper! Me pay only sixpenny one month!
Australia: “Ah Mr. Bull, if I do Federate with any foreigner it must be with Yong Ho. He offers me so much the better bargain.”