Sunday, February 14, 2021

“The Thin End of the Wedge”

“The Thin End of the Wedge” | Hop
Livingston Hopkins, “The Thin End of the Wedge”, The Bulletin, Vol. 11 No. 588 (23 May 1891, p.5)
 “The Thin End of the Wedge”
“I don’t think there would be much difficulty in procuring the Parliamentary franchise for female ratepayers, as the thin end of the wedge of woman-suffrage.” Munro, the “Liberal.”

[Ed. Hop depicts James Munro, Victorian Premier, businessman and temperance leader driving the 'wedge' of 'Women's property vote' into Victorian 'democracy'. The vote in question was to extend Women's suffrage in Victoria to property-owning (or rate-paying) women only. While no friend of the suffragette movement, The Bulletin argued in a lead editorial that this was inadequate and possibly counterproductive to achieving full franchise for women. See Ann M. Mitchell, 'Munro, James (1832–1908)', Australian Dictionary of Biography, National Centre of Biography, Australian National University]