Sunday, February 14, 2021

The Law’s “Anxiety”

Livingston Hopkins, The Law’s “Anxiety”, The Bulletin, Vol. 11 No. 584 (25 Apr 1891, p.5)
The Law’s “Anxiety”
“The authorities are very anxious about the Mahommedan, Fatta Chand, who, as he believes that dying ignominously by the hands of unbelievers will exclude him from Paradise, refuses to take food, and if not artificially fed must die before the date fixed for his execution. —Daily Paper.
Death by Strangulation (loq.): “Look here, my friend, we can’t have you interfering in matters of this sort.”
Death by Starvation (loq.): “My honourable and learned friend, what’s the odds? he gets there just the same.”
Death by Strangulation: “Perhaps so, but it’s so thoroughly unorthodox, and what’s more, it’s un-English, and we are not going to have the moral effects of our civilised methods of dealing with criminals destroyed by heathenish and superstitious prejudices.”