Sunday, February 7, 2021

Breakers ahead for Gaunson

Breakers ahead for Gaunson | Hop
Breakers ahead for Gaunson | Hop

Livingston Hopkins, Breakers ahead for Gaunson, The Bulletin, Vol. 8 No. 392 (6 Aug 1887, p.3)
Breakers ahead for Gaunson
Justice Windeyer (en route for Australia) : "You, I believe, are the Chief Engineer of this vessel?"
His Honour: "Then for heavens sake crowd on more-steam. I am that anxious to get a-nigh that wicked man Gaunson!"
[See 'Windeyer, Sir William Charles (1834–1897)' and Geoffrey Serle, 'Gaunson, David (1846–1909)', Australian Dictionary of Biography, National Centre of Biography, Australian National University]