Saturday, February 6, 2021

Drat the Boy!

Drat the Boy! | Hop
Drat the Boy! | Hop
Livingston Hopkins, Drat the Boy!, The Bulletin, Vol. 7 No. 370 (5 Mar 1887, p.3)
Drat the Boy!
It is said that while acting as Premier, in 1885, the Hon. W. B. Dalley, on his own responsibility, ordered £250,000 worth of military stores. The goods will be landed shortly.” —Daily Paper.
Mrs. New South Wales: "You little scamp! Filling the place up with what rubbishing stuff. How I am ever to pay for it I don’t know.”
[Ed. From the outset of the Sudan conflict, also referred to as the Mahdist WarThe Bulletin was highly critical of the New South Wales Contingent's brief involvement during March-June 1885. Two years later, 'Hop' depicts 'Mrs. New South Wales' as a classical female figure tweaking the ear of an infant William Dalley for wasting public funds on the Contingent. See also Martha Rutledge and Bede Nairn, 'Dalley, William Bede (1831–1888)', Australian Dictionary of Biography, National Centre of Biography, Australian National University]