Friday, February 5, 2021

The Financial “Policy” of the Future—What It May Come To

The Financial “Policy” of the Future—What It May Come To

Livingston Hopkins, The Financial “Policy” of the Future—What It May Come To, The Bulletin, Vol. 7 No. 345 (11 Sep 1886, p.3)


The Financial “Policy” of the Future—What It May Come To

“The Walker Estate will under the Stamp Duties’ Act bring the welcome sum of £80,000 into the empty N.S.W. Treasury.”—Daily Paper. 

Future Treasurer (to Physician in, charge of Moribund Millionaire): “Well, how is our patient today?” 

Physician: “Why he has rallied a bit, and I am now going to give him a dose which we only give in extreme cases.’ 

Treasurer: “Ah—hum ah, doctor, if you gould manage just to let them have it rather stronger than usual—you see the public exchequer is so depleted, and this estate is such a very large one.” (It is really too horrible to think of.)